Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I Love You, Daddy!

"I love you, daddy!", Storey Grace cried as I closed the door of the van sending four of our children to grandmommy and grandfather's house....again.
Thanks, mom and dad for being so enthusiastic about caring for our children...we hope less time than in December.
We had a wonderful Lord's Day together as a family worshipping at First Pres - the songs, the scriptures, the sermons, the fellowship from both services and Sunday school were so encouraging, uplifting and Christ centered.  We are thankful for the blessing of our church.
After the morning service we had a family picnic on the front lawn...the kids told us they were sad Sheila and I were about to leave but also glad that Karina will be home soon.
We also had an interesting conversation with them about love and marriage.  Storey Grace told us God created her to get married and Harrison told us that he did not want to get married until he was at least 18 because it would be disgusting before he was 18 and then he said he did not even want a girl friend until he was 18.  Isaac and Noah wondered what in the world Harrison and Storey Grace were talking about...the bugs in the grass and the mud on the football were so much more interesting.

This picture was taken after the evening service just before the kids went to mom and dad's house.  We appreciate your prayers for them and my parents over the next couple of weeks.

Thank you so much to those of you who sent supplies and money to purchase supplies for the orphans...WOW!  They will be so surprised by your generosity and gifts.  They so enjoy time spent doing these crafts.  THANKS!

Sheila and I are sitting in the same location we were Christmas eve...in snow covered Kyiv, Ukraine...awaiting our departing flight for Odessa.  
God blessed us with a smooth flight after a three hour delay and de-icing in New York.
It was tougher to leave the kids behind this time but we are so excited to be able to see Karina tomorrow and...hopefully, she will walk away from the orphanage.


  1. Our prayers are with you! bring our little girl's best friend home soon!

  2. Can't wait to see a pic of Karina leaving the orphanage with you!!!!

  3. Can't wait for that day that Karina walks out of the internat for good!

  4. Hooray!!!! We are panting for updates--keep us posted!!

  5. We love you guys and praying for your trip and for the kids left behind. Thanks for keeping us updated. Can't wait to meet Karina!

  6. Privet Karina, kak u tebya dela? u menya vse horowo. Wkola vse v poradke. Ya towe skychau za toboy. Da ya pomny Alonu pereday yey privet ot menya. Ya tak schastliva tebe pisate. Ya towe skuchau po Denise Xolodia. Ti scazala Denisu chto on mne ochene nravitca? Pochemy ti otkazala Denisu? Ya hochu chtobi ti vstrechalase s nim. Ya uwe ne v Odesse i ti mowes s nem vstrechatsa. Kak tam Natalya Vasilievna? Pereday yey privet.
    Ti znaech v kokuyu wkolu ti budish hodit? maya mama xotela uznat. Mne ochen nravitsa v Amerike, ya dumau chto tebe ponravitsa v amerike (konechno.) Ya sechas budu zacanchivat pisat, napishi mne pojalusta ochene scora. Xorosho?
    Lublu, lutchaya podruga, Kristina landrum
    ( Tarkanovskaya).

  7. How exciting! Will be in prayer for you all. Can't wait to meet Karina soon!
