For the second year in a row, a very talented and enthusiastic group from Twin Lakes Camp came to Trujillo to provide a summer camp for the youth in our churches and community. Twin Lakes, which is a ministry of First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi, brought twenty-six team members from the states who worked alongside dozens of Peruvian volunteers to host 165 kids for the week-long camp.
The kids were surrounded by camp leaders who were able to share the love of Christ with them as they sang songs, played games, and learned biblical stories. For these kids this week is a very special time. For some it is the reward for faithful church attendance and participation throughout the year; for others it may be their first encounter with a body of believers.
The purpose of the Twin Lakes camp goes well beyond the fun and games. As missionary Allen Smith explains, “God uses this camp to reach children and families with the Gospel. In a week full of fun and worship, many children for the first time hear the gospel proclaimed and see the gospel portrayed through the godly character of the counselors. One pastor told me that several of the children who went to camp last year are now members of the church along with their families.”
The church in Peru not only realizes the importance of this camp in the lives of the youth, but also its importance in the life of the church. The camp has been invited to return to Trujillo and has also been asked to start a summer camp in Cajamarca. The summer camp that Twin Lakes provides helps to better integrate these young students into the churches they attend, and we pray that God develops these children into a new generation of leaders in the Peruvian church.
In His Grace,
I am trying to do everything possible to be able to go with you guys to Peru next year. It all depends on a lot of things, but I think about it all the time! I'm so glad things are good for you guys. Take care!